The Elder Scrolls Online: Console Enhanced Videos

10/28/2024: The Update 44 base-game patch includes the Battlegrounds redesign, two new Companions, an all-new Scribing Grimoire, the new Golden Pursuits system, and more.
Conquer the Battlegrounds Thumbnail
6/3/2024: Explore West Weald, a wealthy Imperial province that hasn’t been seen in an Elder Scrolls game since The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Within this new zone, you can explore the city of Skingrad in addition to both the Gold Road region and emergent Dawnwood.
Gold Road Gameplay Launch Trailer Thumbnail
3/11/2024: Players can now venture into two new dungeons and prepare for the adventures to come in the upcoming Gold Road Chapter.
Scions of Ithelia Gameplay Trailer Thumbnail
1/18/2024: In Gold Road players must investigate Ithelia, a Daedric Prince never seen before in the Elder Scrolls series and it’s up to players to uncover the schemes of her most devoted followers.
Gold Road Cinematic Announcement Trailer Thumbnail
11/14/2023: A never-ending dungeon with dynamic and randomly generated stages filled with monsters and bosses.
Endless Archive Gameplay Trailer Thumbnail
10/30/2023: The Endless Archive is a new PvE never-ending dungeon-like activity.
Introduction to the Endless Archive Thumbnail
6/20/2023: Necrom also allows players to explore Hermaeus Mora’s own realm of Apocrypha. While this mysterious part of Oblivion contains near-limitless knowledge, be warned, many mortals have lost their souls while navigating its endless libraries.
Necrom Gameplay Trailer Thumbnail
3/13/2023: The Scribes of Fate introduces two new four-player PvE dungeons, Bal Sunnar and Scrivener’s Hall.
Scribes of Fate Gameplay Trailer Thumbnail
11/2/2022: Explore the mysterious island of Galen, and encounter the druids of the Systres who call it home.
Firesong Gameplay Trailer Thumbnail
6/7/2022: Defend the Legacy of the Bretons.
High Isle Launch Cinematic Thumbnail
3/14/2022: Legacy of the Bretons sets sail with the Ascending Tide.
Ascending Tide Gameplay Trailer Thumbnail
1/27/2022: Explore the Bretons' idyllic ocean enclave and seat of chivalric culture, confront the ruinous forces of the Ascendant Lord, gather new Companions and allies, and play a hand of Tales of Tribute.
Legacy of the Bretons Announcement Trailer Thumbnail
1/5/2022: Visit a never-before-seen world and experience a tale that has yet to be told.
2022 Cinematic Teaser Thumbnail
11/1/2021: Foil Dagon’s plans to rule Nirn.
Deadlands Gameplay Trailer Thumbnail
6/13/2021: Experience Tamriel powered by the latest generation of hardware.
Launch Trailer Thumbnail
6/1/2021: Uncover the schemes of the Daedric Prince of Destruction and explore both the wilds of Blackwood and realms beyond.
Blackwood Launch Cinematic Thumbnail
3/31/2021: Discover a dangerous and diverse part of Tamriel where ambitious Imperials and stalwart Argonians meet in The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood.
All Roads Lead to the Deadlands Thumbnail
3/31/2021: A new version of The Elder Scrolls Online will bring next-gen fidelity and performance to Tamriel.
Preview Trailer Thumbnail