RAGE Videos

10/24/2011: Snoop Dogg shows off his favorite weapons.
Snoop Dogg Guide to the Wasteland #2 Thumbnail
10/24/2011: Snoop Dogg breaks down all the tools that you need to survive in the Wasteland.
Snoop Dogg Guide to the Wasteland #1 Thumbnail
10/4/2011: Game action from id's latest shooter.
Launch Trailer Thumbnail
9/29/2011: The Resistance has heard rumors of an Ark surfacing in Jackal Valley, and they need you to search the site for a valuable data decrypter...
Jackal Canyon Trailer Thumbnail
9/8/2011: The first look at RAGE's co-op mode as the Shrouded clan come to Wellspring to destroy the town's water supply and two warriors join forces to fight off the invasion.
Wasteland Legends: Water Service Thumbnail
8/10/2011: Learn more about the clash between The Resistance and The Authority.
Uprising Trailer Thumbnail