Injustice 2 Videos

3/10/2020: Your favorite characters return with upgraded moves and abilities.
Legacy Characters Trailer Thumbnail
2/7/2018: Change your character loadout to play as Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo, each with their own unique move sets, character powers, and special moves.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Gameplay Reveal Trail Thumbnail
1/5/2018: June Moone's magic-wielding alter-ego Enchantress struggles to contain the mystical powers that have taken hold of her.
Enchantress Gameplay Reveal Trailer Thumbnail
12/6/2017: Armed with his quantum bio-belt and a prodigal knowledge of physics, players can utilize all of scientist Ryan Choi's subatomic powers to deliver justice against Superman's regime.
Atom Trailer Thumbnail