World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Videos

8/6/2015: Follow along with the story of Warlords of Draenor, with a hint of battles yet to come...
The Story So Far... Thumbnail
4/6/2015: The WoW Token will allow you to exchange between gold and game time.
Token Overview Video Thumbnail
11/12/2014: Beyond the Dark Portal, clouds of war grow ever darker...
Age of Iron Trailer Thumbnail
9/26/2014: Vindicator Maraad battled the demonic orcs of the first Horde. He witnessed the slaughter of his people in Shattrath. It was the draenei's darkest day, and Maraad's greatest test.
Lords of War Part Five - Maraad Thumbnail
9/19/2014: The Bleeding Hollow clan once stood on the verge of extinction. To escape death, Kilrogg Deadeye first needed to embrace it.
Lords of War Part Four - Kilrogg Thumbnail
9/12/2014: When young Durotan's mother fell deathly ill, he had a choice: Allow her life to come to a natural end, or pay a heavy price to save her.
Lords of War Part Three - Durotan Thumbnail
9/5/2014: Grommash Hellscream's legend was not born from mere brutality or conquest.
Lords of War Part Two - Grommash Thumbnail
8/14/2014: Before Kargath was a warlord, he was a slave...
Lords of War Part One - Kargath Thumbnail
8/14/2014: See new areas and more from beyond the Dark Portal.
Action Trailer Thumbnail
8/14/2014: Garrosh Hellscream has escaped through the Dark Portal and forged the orc clans of old into a terrifying war machine known as the Iron Horde.
Cinematic Thumbnail
11/8/2013: Travel to Draenor, homeworld of the orcs and bastion of the draenei, before it was shattered into what is now known as Outland.
Remaking a World Thumbnail
11/8/2013: the Horde fortress in Frostfire Ridge, homeland of the Frostwolf clan, and Shadowmoon Valley, base of operations for the Alliance and home to the draenei holy temple of Karabor.
Faction Zones Trailer Thumbnail
11/8/2013: Across Draenor's savage jungles and battle-scarred plains, Azeroth's heroes will engage in a mythic conflict involving mystical draenei champions and mighty orc clans...
Announcement Trailer Thumbnail