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| Chapter 8: The Itch | [W8]
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|Test Chamber 01| [8.01]
Move along the catwalks until you reach a room with windows. You can see into
the testing chamber below. Wheatley has invented cubes with legs. Place a
portal on the wall of the room you're in and find a busted vent in here. You
can shoot a portal on the wall through that vent to get out of here. Go along
the catwalks until you can fall into the test chamber. Place one of the walking
cubes on the button to progress.
When you get around to the actual Test Chamber 01, don't do anything for about
30 seconds and you'll get an achievement. Now, hit the small button and portal
over to the other side. Very difficult. You'll have to run through it again
before you can get to the elevator.
|Test Chamber 01...Again| [8.02]
You'll be introduced to excursion funnels here. They basically just tote
things along at a leisurely pace. Kind of like a reverse tractor beam. Hop in
and ride it to the top. Now place a portal on the ceiling where the funnel
ends and place another portal on the wall next to the windows. You and the
funnel will go through the first portal and you can ride the funnel over to
the box. Grab the box and hop down to the glass area.
Look through the hole and shoot your exit portal at the black and white
checkered floor below. Toss the box into the funnel and it'll go through the
portal and the funnel will press it up against the button on the ceiling
below, opening the door.
|Test Chamber 02| [8.03]
Drop into the excursion funnel below. Place a portal at the end and place the
exit portal on the only other piece of wall available, to the left. Put it up
high. As you go through the portal you should be able to see a checkered
floor next to the platform with the small button on it. When you get back over
to the original funnel, fire your exit portal on that so you can get up to
the button. Now place your exit portal on the wall next to the dispenser and
press the button. The funnel will carry it over to that checkered floor, where
you can place another portal to funnel the cube up to you.
Now place the cube on the checkered floor up here and put the exit portal
beneath it. The funnel will push the cube into the button on the ceiling.
This opens the exit door and lifts some platforms so you can get over to it.
|Test Chamber 03| [8.04]
First, use the funnel above you to get over to the platform across the way.
Now stand in front of the small button and place your exit portal on the
closest wall panel to your left. Press the button and the funnel will catch
the cube. When the cube hits the wall, put your exit portal on the single
wall panel so that the funnel escorts the cube to your position. Grab the cube
and put it down so that it doesn't go anywhere.
Now get in front of the faith plate. Put your exit portal on the wall just to
the left of the target. Hop into the faith plate with the cube and you'll land
in the funnel. Ride it back to the main area. Now place your exit portal
somewhere on the checkered floor. You and the cube need to hop in it. Now
look on the wall opposite the exit door and big button. You should see one
single wall panel below all the others. Place your exit portal there. The
funnel will push you and the cube straight to the button. Hop out of the
funnel when you're over the exit platform.
|Test Chamber 04| [8.05]
Inside the chamber go left and you'll see a turret. Use the funnel to force it
off of the edge of the test chamber. You should notice a big button on the
floor here. Pressing it reverses the excursion funnel, turning into an actual
tractor beam. Step on the button and then use portals to get the funnel over to
the cube on the other side. You'll now suck the cube back towards the portal.
Just before it enters the portal, place the portal on the back wall there and
step off of the button. The cube will now be funneled straight to you.
Put the cube on the button and hop in the funnel to be sucked over to the
other side. Now place the exit portal on the wall so that the funnel moves the
cube off of the button. Place your final exit portal on the floor in front of
the exit door and ride the funnel up to the door.
|Test Chamber 05| [8.06]
Use portals to get the funnel to go straight up from the middle platform. Now
use the faith plate to hop into the funnel. When you're at the ceiling, place
the entry portal on the slanted wall panel at the end of the room. The
funnel will be cut off and you'll fall through the portals, landing on the exit
platform. Now put your portals back so that the funnel is going up in the
middle of the room again. Press the button to dispense a cube right on the
first faith plate. When it's caught in the funnel, place your entry portal
back onto the slanted wall piece to bring the cube to you. Place it on the
button to leave.
|Test Chamber 06| [8.07]
You're going to need the light bridge, so place an entry portal at the end of
it. You should see some white panels up high next to the emancipation grill.
Place your exit portal on the lowest one of those panels and press the small
button. The cube will drop, hit a faith plate, and bounce towards the grill.
The bridge stops the cube. Now place another bridge to shield you from the
turrets below and retrieve the cube. Portal back up to the main floor.
Now, you need the bridge again. Place your exit portal on the single wall
panel to the right of the monitor with Wheatley on it. Now take the cube and
hop on the faith plate. You'll go flying, but the bridge will stop you from
overshooting the catwalk. The turrets can you shoot you through the
emancipation grill, so place your bridge down in front of them and walk around
behind the grill. Put the cube on the button and portal back up to the exit
|Test Chamber 11| [8.08]
Place a portal on the floor of the excursion funnel and place your exit portal
on the checkered floor panel on the main surface. Hop into the funnel and ride
it up to the button. Don't worry about pressing it, that's not the point right
now. Place your entry portal on that slanted wall piece by you with the
target on it. You'll fall through the portal below you and out of the slanted
wall piece, over to the regular cube.
Take the cube over to the laser and block it's path. This shuts off the
excursion funnel. Portal back up to the main floor. Now place a portal on the
slanted surface with the target on it and another portal on the slanted
surface above the laser. Use the faith plate in front of the targeted portal
to fly through the portals to the redirection cube. Replace the normal cube
with the redirection cube, making sure the laser is pointing at the white wall,
and portal back up to the main floor.
Now, place the normal cube on that single piece of checkered floor in front
of the targeted slanted wall, just under the button. Use portals to get the
laser into the receptacle, which lowers the first lift. Get on it and move the
portals so that the lift rises. Now use portals to move the redirection cube
out of the way. You need to portal the excursion funnel under the cube so that
it is pushed up into the button. This lowers the next lift. Hop on and remove
the portals to raise yourself up to the exit door.
|Test Chamber 12| [8.09]
Look around at the wall panels on your side of the room. You should see certain
panels that consist of four tiles on each side of a white strip. These are
the panels you will need to use. Redirect the laser into the lower receptacle
on the opposite wall. This will make the platform move. When it's at the other
end, cut the laser off. You should notice a white wall above it. Portal over
and drop down onto the platform. Now you should notice that the platform
moves through a grid of lasers. The top receptacle shuts these lasers off,
but obviously this stops the platform from moving.
What you need to do is get the platform halfway through the laser grid, then
shut the lasers off. Move to the other side of the platform, and then make
it move again. Hop off when it gets to the other side and wait for the
platform to go back to the other side, below the white wall and dispenser.
Stop it there and press the button to drop a cube onto the platform. Now
portal onto the same platform and ride it past the laser grid back to the
button platform. Don't worry, the cube won't be disintegrated or anything.
Do not jump down yet. You need to portal the laser so that it's pointing at
you and redirect it with the cube into the receptacle above the door.
Now hop down onto the platform with the button and portal back to the main
area. Reset your portals so that the laser hits the cube again and comes
back and enters the receptacle. This opens the exit door.
|Test Chamber 15| [8.10]
First, you need the cube. Press the small button to dispense one. The walls
will come out and catch it, so don't worry about that. Now step on the big
button on the floor to start up the excursion funnel. Use portals to catch
the cube in the funnel and move it to the back wall. Now place your exit
portal on the wall below it to bring the cube over to you. Portal the cube
inside of the glass box and put it on the big button in there. This turns on
the propulsion gel dispenser.
Back outside, step on the button and portal the funnel out of the single wall
panel just behind the gel dispenser. The funnel will catch all of the gel
and carry it along. When gel is hovering over the entire runway/ramp area,
release the button to shut off the funnel and drop gel all over the place.
Now go grab the cube again and place it on the funnel button. Make the funnel
come out of the same wall panel behind the dispenser again and jump in. Ride it
to the catwalk at the very end and hop out.
Go through the large emancipation grill you saw to your right and place a
portal in here. Make sure it's lined up with the exit door platform. Portal
back to the main area and place the entry portal on the ceiling above the
excursion funnel. This creates a funnel from behind the grill going to the
exit door. Now use the propulsion gel runway to throw yourself into that
funnel and ride it to the exit.
|Test Chamber 16| [8.11]
Use the conversion gel to get into the test chamber. Once inside, portal over
to the platform across the gap with the button and dispenser on it. Now
place an entry portal at the end of the funnel and place the exit under the
dispenser. Hit the button and let the funnel carry the gel. Cut the funnel
off when the gel is at the end of the platform you're on, so it coats it. You
will need to be able to jump back into the funnel, so this is necessary. Now
put your portals back and press the button again to catch more gel in the
funnel. This time, jump into the funnel and ride with the gel back to the
main platform.
Now hop off and step on the big button before the repulsoin gel hits anything.
This reverses the excursion funnel. When you've got most of it through the
portal, place the exit portal on the wall panel by the turrets and step off
of the button. When the repulsion gel is above the turrets, cut off the funnel.
The gel will knock the turrets away and coat that surface, which you're about
to use. Now hit the small button on the other side of the glass to make a
slanted wall panel come out.
Place a portal on the floor somewhere around you and make the funnel come
through it. Ride it to the ceiling, and then place your entry portal on the
slanted wall panel from before. You'll fall through the floor and out of the
panel, hit the turret platform coated in repulsion gel, and bounce over to
the exit.
|Test Chamber 17| [8.12]
Head into the test chamber and use the faith plate to catch the cube bouncing
in mid-air. Or use it to head the other direction, into Wheatley's trap. You
will bounce around for a while doing nothing until you land on a platform.