Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition Game Guide

== |\\ ================================================================= |\\ ==
   | \\          _____  __    __  _    __         __    __  __           | \\
     //         /__   \/__\  /__\/_\  / _\/\ /\  /__\  /__\/ _\            //
    //            / /\/ \// /_\ //_\\ \ \/ / \ \/ \// /_\  \ \            //
   //            / / / _  \//__/  _  \_\ \ \_/ / _  \//__  _\ \          //
  //             \/  \/ \_/\__/\_/ \_/\__/\___/\/ \_/\__/  \__/         //
  \\ |                     T R E A S U R E   L I S T                    \\ |
== \\| ================================================================= \\| ==

The many treasures found throughout Leon's game and Ada's game (Separate Ways) 
are listed in this section.  The Treasure List is a list of all the treasures 
located in the corresponding mode along with a brief description as to their 
location.  Check the Treasure Location Guide for each mode to find a full list 
of all the areas along with the treasures they contain.  Read on for some fine 
pickins' stranga'!

This section is based off of my two treasure FAQs up on IGN and other sites: (Resident Evil 4 - Leon's game) (Separate Ways - Ada's game)


Separate Ways


The Mercenaries Guide

Treasure List

Unlockables & Extras