Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition Game Guide

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Objective: Obtain the Sample

__ Soldier Ganado Camp __

A merchant is right in front of Ada as she starts and he now has the Attache 
Case XL, so be sure to buy it.  The new Attache Case should allow Ada to carry 
all weapons available so buy any of them that Ada doesn't have.
| Merchant Items                                                  |
|* Mission 5 Treasure Map| 10000 | TMP                    | 12800 |
|* Attache Case XL       | 73000 | Rifle (semi-auto)      | 35600 |
| Attache Case L         | 40000 | Scope (semi-auto rifle)| 10000 |
| Attache Case M         | 24000 | Bowgun                 | 70000 |
| Blacktail              | 24600 | First Aid Spray        |  5000 |
| Shotgun                | 21400 | ---------------------- | ----- |

For this stage, Ada will have to travel through the aftermath of Leon and 
Mike's (helicopter pilot) destruction.  Start out by moving up the hill 
directly ahead.
| [ ] Rifle         | Lying on a plank on the small stand by the merchant     |

When the large chaingun Ganado (J.J.) jumps down, pull out the bowgun and shoot 
him with it.  This will kill him in a few hits and take out any other Ganado 
that tries to attack from behind him.  Take some shelter in the tent to the 
left if Ada must use any other weapon.
| [ ] Hand Grenade  | On the ground inside the left tent                      |
| [ ] Velvet Blue   | Destroy the barrel below the high platform that the     |
|                   | chaingun Ganado drops from                              |
| [ ] First Aid     | Kill the chaingun Ganado (J.J.)                         |
|     Spray         |                                                         |

Move toward the side of the high platform that the chaingun Ganado dropped from 
to get a "Hookshot" command.  Grapple to the top for some extra pickups.
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts  | Lying on the right side of the high walkway             |
| [ ] Blue Eye      | Inside the barrel on the left side of the high walkway. |
|                   | Move near it and watch for "Take".                      |

Drop back down from the high walkway and follow the path ahead.  The right path 
is covered with flames, so turn left.  Fight off the Ganados and shoot the one 
with the crossbow in the very back.  There is a soldier Ganado with dynamite up 
the left ladder so watch out for him.  A few more Ganados will appear along the 
way around the side of the path - shoot the red explosive barrel near the 
building to get rid of some.  Enter the building up ahead.
| [ ] Yellow Herb   | Beside some sandbags on the right side of the path      |
|                   | (near the ladder)                                       |
| [ ] Red Herb      | Climb the ladder to the left (where the dynamite Ganado |
|                   | was) and this will be on the ground at the top          |

A Ganado will toss down an explosive barrel toward the entrance and the 
building will catch on fire and seal off.  Ada will be trapped inside as 
Ganados start to drop from above.  The only way out of this building is through 
the door to the side which is locked and will open after a while - once all the 
Ganados are defeated.

Position Ada so that her back is to a wall and pull out the shotgun, TMP, 
bowgun, or rifle and prepare to shoot plenty of Ganados.  The handgun mixed 
with physical attacks works well but will require Ada to move a bunch, which 
will open her up to possible damage.  The rifle works really good if you can 
get headshots as each Ganado falls.  Aim for the top portion of Ganados with 
shields in front of them.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo  | Lying on the floor of the building                      |
| [ ] Green Herb    | Lying on the floor of the building                      |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo  | Lying on the floor of the building (near the door)      |

Once enough have been defeated, the door to the side will open.  Shoot the 
explosive red barrel to get rid of soldier Ganados up ahead then pull out the 
rifle and shoot the one with the crossbow in the very back.  Follow the path 
outside and go up the stairs to the right.  Use the handle to swing to the 
other side of the camp.  Drop down and pull the lever on the wall just like 
Leon did in his game to open the gate below.
| [ ] Hand Grenade  | On the ground to the left right after sliding from the  |
|                   | handle                                                  |

Drop down and walk over to the right.  Fall down into the trench where the 
ladder is and check around the area for some pickups.
| [ ] Velvet Blue   | Destroy the barrel inside the first right tent          |
| [ ] Red Herb      | Inside the second right tent                            |
| [ ] Yellow Herb   | On the ground next to a barrel in the left alcove       |

The gate will seal off once Ada enters this area and Ganados armed with 
crossbows will start to shoot at her from all around.  Shoot the two explosive 
barrels (back right, back left) to get rid of two Ganados on the bottom floor. 
Climb the ladder through the tunnel to the left.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo  | Behind some sandbags just as Ada enters                 |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo    | On a crate on the left side (bottom area)               |
| [ ] Green Herb    | Inside the remains of the building on the left side     |
|                   | (bottom area)                                           |
| [ ] TMP Ammo      | Behind a concrete wall near the back of the bottom area |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo  | Behind the sandbags at the very back of the bottom area |

Shoot all Ganados that can be seen in the distance and run to the right side.  
A chaingun Ganado (J.J.) will appear near the right lever, so duck into the 
alcove on the right side, but be sure to run inside with a shotgun equipped in 
order to knock back the Ganado inside.  Hide inside until J.J. stops shooting 
then rush out and move around the side of the right wall.  Once he stops firing 
again, run over to the barred gate and shoot him with the bowgun.  There is no 
need to kick down the gate to shoot him, just shoot him through the bars, so 
Ada doesn't get hit.  Kick down the barred gate and pull the lever once he has 
been defeated.
| [ ] TMP Ammo      | Near the barred door on the right top walkway           |
| [ ] 4000 PTAS     | Kill the chaingun Ganado (J.J.)                         |

Fall down below then climb the ladder that leads up to the left high walkway.  
Another chaingun Ganado (J.J.) will appear.  Quickly skip the cutscene then 
shoot him through the barred gate with the bowgun and keep shooting until he 
dies.  Kick down the barred gate and pull the lever he was guarding to open the 
gate below.  Drop back down below then enter the set of doors that was blocked 
by the gate.
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts  | In front of the left barred gate on the left walkway    |
| [ ] Green Herb    | On a crate to the left on the high left walkway         |
| [ ] 4000 PTAS     | Kill the chaingun Ganado (J.J.)                         |

__ Entrance to the Island Ruins __

Run up the stairs and collect the items along the way.  Shoot the Ganado armed 
with the crossbow near the top.  At the other side of the top portion, there 
will be a single Ganados looking at the destruction of the helicopter below the 
cliff.  He is armed with a rocket launcher.  It's Mike's murderer!  Take 
revenge for Leon now with Ada.
| [ ] Rifle Ammo    | Below the first pillar to the left                      |
| [ ] Green Herb    | Lying next to the Ganado with the rocket launcher       |
| [ ] Yellow Herb   | Break the barrel in the walls forming a tunnel to the   |
|                   | left                                                    |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo  | Lying on a block to the right of the tunnel described   |
|                   | above                                                   |

Ganados will try to trap Ada in the tunnel while going for the yellow herb in 
the barrel.  Move down the right path and fire at the Ganados with crossbows in 
the distance.  Run to the set of doors at the end and open them.
| [ ] Red Eye       | Look up at the first pillar along the right path and    |
|                   | shoot the glowing object near the top to make this fall |

__ Island Ruins __

Hop off of the dropoff ahead.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo  | Lying on a rock right before the dropoff                |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo  | Lying on a rock right before the dropoff                |

Run through the doorway ahead to trigger a familiar cutscene.
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts  | On top of the crypt.  Turn around after dropping.       |

Ada can't reenter the ruins area after the cutscene so be sure to finish 
everything inside before the cutscene triggers.  On the outside, open the set 
of doors ahead.

__ Island Prison __

There is merchant to the left - don't be startled by him.  Save the game at 
typewriter on the desk.
| [ ] Flash Grenade | Open the top drawer on the chest of drawers behind the  |
|                   | desk                                                    |
| [ ] Chicken Egg   | Open the small container on the east wall.              |
| [ ] Yellow Herb   | Run through the corridor on the right in the first room |
|                   | and this will be lying on a chair at the end            |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo    | Inside the first right cell - kick down the door        |
| [ ] Green Eye     | Inside the second right cell - kick down the door and   |
|                   | look to the right while entering                        |
| [ ] Red Herb      | Below the broken staircase in the back of the prison    |
| Extra Dialogue                                                              |
| * Examine the bag in the dumpster near the merchant.  Ada will shut the     |
|   dumpster in disgust.                                                      |

Check around the area for a few items.  There is a Ganado armed with a crossbow 
in the very back of the cell corridor so prepare to shoot him.  More Ganados 
will run out of the back left cell.  The Regenerator that Leon fights in his 
game will not wake up for Ada so feel free to examine it in the back left cell. 
Climb up to the top of the platform in front of the exit door then open the 
door to continue.

__ In front of the Lab __

Once Ada moves past the stairs, a cutscene will activate.
| [ ] Handgun Ammo  | On the ground at the bottom of the stairs               |
| [ ] TMP Ammo      | On the ground at the bottom of the stairs               |

Boss - Krauser

Life: about 25 per platform

So Krauser didn't actually die by Leon's hand?  He will attack Ada in the exact 
same way that he assaulted Leon in the final battle they had.  This fight is 
battled out on the roof of the lab.  Once Krauser receives enough damage, he 
will jump to another portion of the roof and Ada will automatically hookshot 
after him.

Use the knife to slash at Krauser whenever he jumps or runs in front of Ada 
then continually slash him while he is stunned.  It doesn't take any more than 
2 slashes per platform.  Make sure to heal the moment he hits Ada - she cannot 
take hits that well compared to Leon.  Be sure to follow the on-screen 
sequences to dodge Krauser's attacks just like in Leon's battle with Krauser.
| [ ] Green Herb    | In the middle of the second platform                    |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo  | In the middle of the second platform                    |
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts  | In the middle of the second platform                    |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo  | On a metal piece on the third platform (front portion)  |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo    | On a metal piece on the third platform (front portion)  |
| [ ] First Aid     | On a metal piece on the third platform (back portion)   |
|     Spray         |                                                         |

The battle will last throughout three grapples on Ada's part (three platforms) 
then Krauser will be dead for good.

__ Exterior of Saddler's Laboratory __

Ada will grapple to this area right after the boss cutscene.
| [ ] Butterfly     | Right after Ada grapples to this area, this will be     |
|     Lamp          | around the left corner                                  |

Turn to the right and move around the corner.  Jump over the metal piece and a 
merchant along with a typewriter will be up ahead.  Be sure to save your game 
before continuing.  Walk over to the TMP Ammo pickup and a "Hookshot" command 
will appear.  Grapple to the overhead vent to continue.
| [ ] Green Herb    | Next to the barrels by the metal piece                  |
| [ ] TMP Ammo      | A little bit past the hookshot point                    |

__ Saddler's Laboratory __

When Ada enters a cutscene will trigger then she will be thrust into yet 
another boss battle.

Boss - Saddler

Life: about 225+
Hit in eye: Hit x3

This boss battle is exclusive to the Separate Ways side story and is one heck 
of a battle if you don't understand how fight him properly.

CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: Saddler will start out on the bottom floor, but he will catch 
up to Ada extremely quickly!  He will use his tentacle arm to pull himself up 
to the catwalk where Ada is.  Whenever Ada tries to distance herself from him, 
he will always catch up quickly, so always keep an eye on him.

SADDLER'S ATTACKS: Saddler has tons of attacks during this phase, and all of 
them are very deadly.  Whenever he crouches down be sure to press the on-screen 
sequence since he will slide toward Ada and attempt to grab her and slam her 
head into the floor or hit her with a palm strike.  He will sometimes hit her 
with a long distance tentacle from the first floor or from far away on the same 
floor.  Every now and then, he will sink his tentacle into the ground and make 
it move upward in attempt to impale Ada - press the on-screen sequence to avoid 
it.  He has a close grab where he will hold her up and reveal his inner eye - 
shake the Wii-mote to free Ada from this.

THE ALL-SEEING EYE: Saddler's main weakness is his eyeball inside of his mouth. 
One way to hit this is by escaping his tentacle grab attack.  Ada will plunge 
her knife into his eye while he holds her.

WIPING THE FLOOR WITH HIS ASS: In order to completely obliterate this boss, no 
matter what weapon Ada has equipped, shoot him in the head with any weapon (a 
powerful weapon [shotgun, TMP, rifle, bowgun] works best) right before any 
attack.  Literally stand and aim at his head then wait for him to try to attack 
then shoot him seconds before the attack.  This will cause him to swing back 
his head and open his mouth and reveal his eye to Ada every single time.  The 
hit has to powerful enough to stun him - sometimes the handgun will not work.

While his eye is in sight, either shoot it with the Bowgun or run up to Saddler 
and use the command that appears to have Ada stab the eye with her knife.  To 
kill him it takes approximately 5 rifle bullets to the eye or 7 stabs to the 
eye.  Battling him this way will guarantee Ada a quick victory with no loss of 
life!  The stunning hit from any gun takes some good timing, but once it is 
mastered, what once was a hard battle will seem like child's play.  It is best 
to hit him right before his tentacle attack - when he holds his tentacle to the 
side in an attempt to whip it toward Ada.  His tentacle can be hit as well, but 
it will only stop the attack and not stun him.

SHOOTING HIM WITH THE TMP OR HANDGUN: Shooting him with either the TMP or 
handgun will allow him to absorb Ada's bullet just like in the cutscene prior 
to the battle.  He will start to glow then fire them back at her - he can be 
hit and stunned right before this attack as well.

The TMP and handgun can still damage and stun him however.  Keep in mind that 
all attacks on his head will add up to ultimately defeating him.
| [ ] Bowgun Bolts  | In the west, on a metal crate (second floor)            |
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo  | In the south, on a metal crate by the control room      |
|                   | (second floor)                                          |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo    | Inside the control room, near the controls              |
| [ ] First Aid     | On the floor of the control room                        |
|     Spray         |                                                         |
| [ ] Green Herb    | Near a chair and some controls on the first floor       |
|                   | (west side)                                             |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo  | Near a computer in the north (first floor)              |
| [ ] Handgun Ammo  | On a small pillar to the left before moving down the    |
|                   | corridor to the south (first floor)                     |
| [ ] Red Herb      | In the corridor to the south (first floor)              |
| [ ] Rifle Ammo    | At the end of the corridor to the south (first floor)   |

Once Saddler is defeated a cutscene will play followed by another.

__ Top of the Construction Site __

Now Ada's mission is to get to the special rocket launcher on the other side of 
the construction site and toss it to Leon.  She will have to fight through 
Ganados and grapple to different catwalks in order to make her way across.  
Don't stop for fights and do not try to kill.  Only knock the Ganados out of 
the way with a shotgun or just run by them and get to the grapple point on each 
| [ ] First Aid     | Right near the railing on the first platform            |
|     Spray         |                                                         |
| Extra                                                                       |
| * Shoot at Leon with the rifle while he fights Saddler.  He will be hit but |
|   he cannot die.                                                            |

From where Ada starts, move to the east for a "Hookshot" icon.  Grapple to the 
next platform.

The timer for some explosive around the construction site will start and will 
have exactly 2 minutes to get to her destination.  Upon landing, Shoot the 
Ganados then follow the walkway ahead.  Turn to the right and drop near the 
item pickup.
| [ ] Incendiary    | Right before the dropoff                                |
|     Grenade       |                                                         |

Turn around after dropping then run to the end of that platform.  Blast the 
Ganado out of the way then drop down again.  Turn around once again and prepare 
to blast the big Ganado on the way down.  Move to the bottom of the walkway for 
a "Hookshot" command.  Grapple to the next platform.
| [ ] Green Herb    | To the left right after landing from the second grapple |

Follow the platform to the left.  Blast any Ganados in the way then climb the 
ladder.  Climb the ladder.  Turn to the left and follow the ramp to the top.
| [ ] Shotgun Ammo  | Lying to the of the ladder                              |
| [ ] Hand Grenade  | To the side right before moving up the ramp to the left |
|                   | after climbing the ladder                               |

Blast the big Ganado at the top then run very fast toward the Ganado around the 
corner as he ducks to fire a rocket then blast him out of the way - it may pay 
to use a rifle here.  Shoot the Ganado at the end of the platform then use the 
grapple at the "Hookshot" point at the end of the platform.

Ride the grapple all the way to the platform across from Ada's position.  Jump 
down from the east railing to find the --SPECIAL ROCKET LAUNCHER-- on a crate 
in front of Ada.  Grab the rocket launcher for a cutscene.  Use this!

The ending cutscene will play followed by the credits.  Be sure to save your 
clear game file for Separate Ways!

One other thing, make sure that you go to "Ada's Reports" under "Extras" on the 
main menu and watch "Report #5".  It is not played in Separate Ways, but it is 
unlocked after completing this mode.


Separate Ways


The Mercenaries Guide

Treasure List

Unlockables & Extras