Key to Ratings
All games reviewed at The Gamers' Temple follow this rating key:
Range |
Rating |
90% - 100% | Excellent - Top-tier games and potential future classics. |
70% - 89% | Good - Games that stand out above the crowd and that most gamers will find enjoyable. |
50% - 69% | Average - Games that are not particularly innovative or that are not executed well. These games typically possess flaws that limit their broad appeal and may only appeal to those with a strong interest in the subject matter. |
30% - 49% | Poor - Games with significant design flaws and shortcomings. Best avoided as they will prove frustrating or uninteresting to most players. |
1% - 29% | Abysmal - Games that should never have been released to an unsuspecting public. These are not worth a player's time no matter what the price. |
The Gamers' Temple receives digital codes for or physical copies of the games reviewed on this site from their publishers or PR firms.