Monster Hunter Now has been cursed

Monster Hunter Now Season 3: Curse of the Wandering Flames is now live.

The Mercury
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From Capcom:

Monster Hunter Now Season 3: Curse of the Wandering Flames is now live globally which brings several exciting additions including a brand-new cooking feature, new weapons and monsters, Streamer Mode and more. Notable additions for this season include:

• Cooking Feature: A brand-new cooking feature that allows hunters to grill up delicious steaks and start a hunt with the Special Gauge at max for up to 5 minutes. Cooking is a short mini-game, and players are provided a free amount of meat to cook each day.

• Heavy Bowgun: Hunters can now forge the brand-new weapon, the Heavy Bowgun, which lets players deal massive damage from a distance using various ammo types. Wyvernheart Ammo (SP) fires off countless Wyvernheart shots in rapid succession, while Wyvernsnipe Ammo (SP) fires a focused Wyvernsnipe shot of great destructive power. Completing the limited-time quests can earn Heavy Bowgun Training Tickets, which can be used to forge and upgrade the Bone Shooter.

• Additional Monsters: Season 3 introduces the awe-inspiring Aknosom, Magnamalo, Rajang and Nightshade Paolumu as additional monsters. Players can complete urgent quests throughout the season to unlock these fearsome foes.

• Streamer Mode: With this brand new mode, hunters can stream gameplay online without giving away sensitive information. Additionally, enabling the “Hide Roads on Map” setting will conceal road information from the screen.

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