Warcraft Rumble opens pre-orders on Apple App Store

Blizzard Entertainment
Warcraft Rumble is now available for pre-order on the Apple App store.

The Mercury
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From Blizzard Entertainment:
Warcraft Rumble

As we continue preparing for our worldwide launch, we’re delighted to share that Warcraft Rumble is now available for pre-order on the Apple App store! Not only that, but emerging from the depths of the Rumble machine are four mecha-great items for anyone who pre-registers on the Google Play store or pre-orders through the Apple App store:

• Mecha Kobold Skin
• Mecha Tower Skin
• Mecha Kobold Portrait
• Mecha Kobold Emote

So if you’re itching to be notified when Warcraft Rumble goes live and want to kit yourself out with some joyfully mechanical items as soon as you hop in, make sure to click here, or check out our blog for a closer look at the rewards!

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