Stellaris gets toxic

Paradox Interactive
The Toxoids Species Pack for Stellaris on PC launched today.

The Mercury
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From Paradox Interactive:

Toxoids, a new Species Pack for Stellaris, adds new origins, civics, and cosmetic options to the game, and is available today from digital retailers worldwide. Containing themes of rapid gains at the cost of personal and environmental sacrifices, Toxoids gives players several new options to create and play the galactic empire of their twisted dreams.

Be glad you can watch, but not smell, the Toxoids launch trailer:

Rise from the primordial ooze all the way to the stars and stake your claim with the hardiest, most stubborn species in the game’s history with Toxoids, a Species Pack bubbling with visual and mechanical additions to the myriad worlds of Stellaris. Empires featuring the Toxoids species can grow and adapt faster than most creatures, but tend to make life unpleasant for their neighbors - and often for themselves. Toxoids features*:

• New Origins:
o Knights of the Toxic God: In the depths of your homeworld, rumors rumble of a true power buried under the toxic sludge. Do you dare to dredge up the secrets of your past - and potentially unleash them upon the galaxy?
o Overtuned: The candle that burns the brightest, burns itself into the galaxy’s memory! Play as a species that can gain more and more traits at the cost of its own lifespan, and live for today without worrying about sticking around for tomorrow!

• New Civics:
o Toxic Baths: Grow your population fast with a fresh infusion of mutagenic sludge - so long as you’re willing to tolerate the costs to your planet and your people!
o Scavengers: One empire’s trash is your empire’s treasure! Don’t be too proud to harvest debris and destruction for quick construction projects of your own.
o Relentless Industrialists: If you’re going to keep up with demand, you’re going to have to learn to ignore all of those petty regulations and negative opinions. The surviving population will thank you for all of the resources you gain!

• New Traits:
o Incubator: Repopulate quickly when your planet is empty, but those growth facilities can fill up fast!
o Inorganic Breath: Your own people are a source of valuable exotic gasses! It’s a shame the respirators are so expensive.
o Noxious: Other species can’t stand being around you, and it seems like your mere existence is making your planets awful places to live. On the other hand, other empires have a very difficult time wanting to fight or subjugate you, and it’s hilarious to see the look on their faces when you’re in the room!
o Exotic Metabolism: You’ve adapted to ask “are you going to eat that?” where other species would be calling the hazmat team. Eat faster, live longer, and enjoy a terrifying rainbow of flavors!

• New Cosmetics: Species portraits, ship models, and cityscapes that only a mother could love.

• New Advisor: Grow your empire alongside a relentless source of noxious sarcasm!

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