Assassin's Creed Valhalla to celebrate Sigrblot

The Sigrblot Festival in Assassin's Creed Valhalla will run from Thursday, July 29th through August 19th.

The Mercury
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From Ubisoft:
Sigrblot Festival

Starting Thursday, July 29, players can celebrate Summer in the time limited Sigrblot Festival, a traditional Viking festival celebrating the start of the Raiding season. Until August 19, various festive activities will be available in the Ravensthorpe settlement around the traditional bonfire, including:

o Flyting, Fight Tournament, and Dice Game mini-games
o Three new quests available
o Exclusive rewards including settlement decorations, customization items, and weapons. Notably, the one-handed sword Skrofnung can be acquired with Sigrblot tokens in the festival shop for a limited time before the festival ends

To experience the Sigrblot Festival, players must reach England and complete one of the first narrative arcs – either Grantebridgescire or Ledecestrescire – and have their settlement reach Level 2.

Sigrblot Festival

Season roadmap

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