Assassin's Creed Valhalla celebrating Ostara Festival

The limited time in-game event Ostara Season begins today and runs through April 8th.

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From Ubisoft:
Ostara Season

Ostara Season, features exclusive narrative content and in-game events accessible to all players. Starting today, players can celebrate Spring as part of the time-limited Ostara Festival with new challenges and rewards.

Ostara Festival, the first update of Ostara Season, invites players to discover an in-game event active until April 8 in a dedicated area of Ravensthorpe. Various Easter-themed festivities will be available, including:
• Settlement decoration activity
• Drinking, Archery, and Fighting mini-games
• Three new character quests: Eivor can enjoy an Egg Hunt, the May-Queen celebration, and protect the settlement against night spirits
• Three new skills: Fearless Leaper lets Eivor land a mastered falling attack atop enemies, while the Raven’s Loot and Loot Food skills increase Eivor’s efficiency when at range or fighting close-up
• Exclusive rewards including settlement decorations and customization items

To experience the Ostara Festival, players must reach England and complete one of the first narrative arcs – either Grantebridgescire or Ledecestrescire. The festival will then be triggered automatically when players visit the settlement. To access the May-Queen activity, players’ settlement must have reached Level 3.

Starting today, players will be able to change Eivor’s gear appearance with visual customization, better known as transmogrification or “Change Appearance” in-game. The original gear and armor stats remain unchanged as Eivor is visually customized, allowing players to stick to their build and unleash their inner Viking in style. Once a piece of gear or a weapon is found, its visuals can be equipped in exchange of silver by visiting the Blacksmith in Ravensthorpe if the item is from the same category.

To celebrate the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla community, players will receive Altair’s Outfit, the Yule Gear Set and cosmetics, and 300 opals for free. To claim the rewards, they must access the Animus Store.

Two future updates will add more content for Ostara Season, including:
• Mastery Challenge: A second update will add a new game mode building on Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s core combat mechanics, bringing a highly replayable combat experience. A Master arrives at the settlement, inspiring Eivor to train and perfect challenges to become a Master.
• Additional rewards

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