Fallout 76 releases inventory update

Bethesda Softworks
The Inventory Update has been released for Fallout 76, which includes a 50% increase to player stash space.

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From Bethesda Softworks:

Stash Increase

The Inventory Update addresses one of the most frequent requests from the community, highlighted by a whopping 50% increase to player Stash to a maximum of 1,200 pounds. Players can fill it up to their heart’s content with gear, Junk, and anything else they come across in the wasteland.

Pip-Boy Updates

The Inventory Update also includes UI improvements and updates to the Pip-Boy. Three new tabs are added to the Pip-Boy Inventory menu: “New,” “Armor,” and “Food/Drink.”

• New – This tab will keep track of all the items players gather during a play session, sorted by newest to oldest.

• Armor – Armor receives its own menu tab so that players can keep their gear separate from their other Apparel.

• Food/Drinks – Food and drinks are now split out from “Aid” into their own Pip-Boy Inventory tab. Chems and Serums will remain in “Aid.”

Stack Weight

From now on, when players select any stackable item in their inventory, its Item Details in the Pip-Boy will show how much total weight that stack is consuming. This change allows players to see quickly and easily what in their inventory is taking up significant carry weight.

Vending Machine Map Previews

The tooltip when previewing another player’s Vending Machines on the Map will now show the number of 1, 2, and 3-star legendary weapons and armor that player is selling. Additionally, it will no longer display any empty categories.

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