Call of Duty Endowment Defender Pack returns

Call of Duty Endowment
The Call of Duty Endowment Defender Pack is now available in Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone.

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From Call of Duty Endowment:
Defender Pack

In these difficult times, veterans need more help with employment than ever. Accompanying the launch of Warzone, a combat experience from the world of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, the Defender Pack is back and available with the in-game Store. Players can purchase the Defender Pack and equip the items to be used in Modern Warfare Multiplayer and Special Ops modes, in addition to the free-to-play experience, Warzone. A full 100% of Activision net proceeds received from the Defender Pack go directly to placing military veterans into high quality jobs through the Call of Duty Endowment.

Support Veterans by purchasing the largest Call of Duty Endowment Pack ever!

For more information, head to the Activision Games Blog post here.

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