Homeworld 3 revealed at PAX West

Gearbox Publishing
Homeworld 3 is in pre-production and is targeted for a 2022 release.

The Mercury
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From Gearbox Publishing:
Homeworld 3

Gearbox Publishing together with Blackbird Interactive (BBI) announced that Homeworld 3 is now in pre-production 20 years after the first installment. They are kicking off the production process through a Fig campaign with a $1 funding goal, allowing longtime Homeworld fans to invest and participate in the success of the title.

Homeworld 3 will be a true sequel to the legendary space-faring RTS. Blackbird Interactive takes the helm on development, returning the series to its roots with a gripping continuation of the story, fully 3D combat, and the classic RTS elements you expect. In this process, they will be further supported by the veterans of Homeworld Remastered Collection at Gearbox Publishing.

“Homeworld 3 is the last word in epic space combat,” says Rob Cunningham, CEO of BBI. “It will capture the mood and tone of Homeworld and deliver it in an exactly expected and juicy, lovely way. There will be an extension of the story that’s totally satisfying with some interesting twists and turns, and locations that I think will blow some minds and resonate with existing fans and new fans alike.”

The project is in its early stages with only a few months into pre-production. The campaign will allow longtime Homeworld fans to become investors in Fig and participate in the game’s future success. Additionally, investments and pledges will provide a chance to tell the developers what they expect of Homeworld 3 via a backer-only survey. This survey would include things such as its features, priorities, and even what the collector’s edition will include.

“It’s a unique experience that only Fig can offer and we're excited for the most open development process in both Blackbird's and Gearbox's history,” says Steve Gibson, head of Gearbox Publishing. “You don't just get the game. You get a chance to profit from the financial success too. If you’re not interested in that, no worries. We’ll see you at launch later down the line.”

The Fig campaign will last 30 days with a goal of a single, solitary US dollar. The Fig campaign will offer fans the opportunity to invest or pre-order the game with collectibles.

For more information, please visit www.fig.co/campaigns/homeworld3

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