Overwatch celebrating All-Star Weekend with legendary skins

Blizzard Entertainment
The Overwatch League's All-Star Weekend opens this Saturday, August 25th.

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From Blizzard Entertainment:
Legendary Skins

The Overwatch League's first All-Star Weekend begins this Saturday, and the rosters are set for Saturday's skill games, beginning at 4:00 p.m. PDT that day. Fans will be able to watch all the action on DisneyXD, ESPN3, Twitch, MLG, and OverwatchLeague.com. Action continues Sunday starting at 11:00 a.m. PDT.

To celebrate the All-Star Game, two new legendary Overwatch skins are now available for a limited time: the 2018 Atlantic All-Star Tracer and the 2018 Pacific All-Star Genji. Both skins will be available through August 27 and each is redeemable for 200 Overwatch League Tokens.

During halftime of Sunday's All-Star game, the recipient of the first Dennis Hawelka Award will be announced. Named in honor of the late Dennis "INTERNETHULK" Hawelka, the award will be presented to the player who has had the most positive impact on the Overwatch League community.

On Saturday, eighteen All-Stars from each division will compete in a series of skill games set to test their abilities in a range of unique game modes. From determining the player with the most versatile hero pool to the sharpest Widowmaker, the Atlantic and Pacific Divisions will compete for bragging rights before battling in Sunday's All-Star game.

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