The Monster Hunt has begun

Blizzard Entertainment
The Monster Hunt single player mode for The Witchwood in Hearthstone is available for play today.

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From Blizzard Entertainment:
Monster Hunt

Today marks the release of Monster Hunts—the thrilling, challenging, and highly replayable single-player mode for The Witchwood! Choose from one of four Heroes created just for this new mode—Tracker, Cannoneer, Houndmaster, and Time-Tinker, each with its own unique end boss—and build a powerful deck as you progress through a series of increasingly difficult encounters. Once you complete a Monster Hunt with each of these four characters, you can use their combined might to face Hagatha the Witch in an epic final encounter. If you're cunning enough to defeat Hagatha, you'll earn the Monster Hunt card back!

You can also earn The Witchwood card packs as you fight your way through the cursed forest! Defeat 10 monsters with each new Hero in Monster Hunt to earn a total of four free card packs.

Before you dive in, you should get to know the hunters who'll brave The Witchwood's hazards alongside you.

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The Tracker
Tess Greymane, daughter of Genn Greymane, is an elite—and well-equipped—rogue who excels at tracking down her enemies and using their own tricks against them. Her Hero Power, "Scavenge," allows her to Discover a spell played earlier in the game and add it to her hand.

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The Cannoneer
Darius Crowley is a fierce warrior and capable military commander who protected the citizens of Gilneas during the outbreak of the Worgen curse. Now, he's bringing in the heavy artillery to overwhelm the twisted creatures of the forest with sheer firepower. When used, his Hero Power "Fire!" will launch a menacing volley at his foe!

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The Houndmaster
Houndmaster Shaw has spent his life training the finest hounds in the land. Before the curse, he was an avid fox hunter . . . but now, he sets his dogs loose in pursuit of far more dangerous prey. Houndmaster Shaw's Hero Power, "Dog Whistle," summons a 1/1 Bloodhound with Rush that he can sic on his opponents.

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The Time-Tinker
Toki the Traveler is a clever gnome who has mastered the forbidden arcane art of time manipulation, and she plans to use her unique ability to enact pre-emptive revenge against Hagatha the Witch, who will cause her family great harm if not stopped. Toki's Hero Power, "Temporal Loop," allows her to restart her turn at no cost.

Venture into The Witchwood to start your Monster Hunt by selecting the Solo Adventures option in the Hearthstone menu.

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