Plants vs. Zombies 2 hits the Luck O The Zombie

Plants vs. Zombies 2 today launched a new 10-day in-game event, Luck O' The Zombie.

The Mercury
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From PopCap:

Enjoy this golden event with the return of two premium plants: Electric Blueberry, a plant that instantly electrocutes and vanquishes a random zombie every few seconds, and Jack O' Lantern, a plant that can unleash a flamethrower attack across several tiles in a lane.

In addition to the Luck O' The Zombie event, Plants vs. Zombies 2 releases Epic Quests and the 14-day Mega Event, The Springening, on March 22. Spring into action with the return of the Premium Plant, Dandelion, a plant that releases explosive dandelion seeds, attacking multiple lanes - one lane at a time. Enjoy Collectible event-themed plant costumes, and Level of the Day!

Below is a summary of all the key features in the Mega Event Luck O' The Zombie, starting March 8:

 · The return of two Premium Plants: Electric Blueberry, a plant that instantly electrocutes and vanquishes a random zombie every few seconds, and Jack O' Lantern, a plant that unleashes a flamethrower attack across several tiles in a lane.

 · More plants, including: Snow Pea, Power Lily, Toadstool, Torchwood, Jalapeno, and Homing Thistle.

 · 5 new Luck O' the Zombie-themed zombies.

 · Strike gold with Level of the Day!

Below is a summary of all the key features in the The Springening, starting March 22:

 · The return of the Premium Plant, Dandelion, a plant that releases explosive dandelion seeds, attacking multiple lanes - one lane at a time.

 · More plants, including: Power Lily, Homing Thistle, Fire Peashooter, Starfruit, Torchwood, and Snow Pea.

 · 9 new themed zombies.

 · Collectible themed plant costumes.

 · Spring into action with Level of the Day.

 · Return of the Piñata Party's Eggbreaker mode!

Also starting March 22, is Epic Quests, a series of challenges players can participate in to gain rewards. Complete each step in an Epic Quest to win Gold Bloom, an instant-use plant that generates a massive burst of sun when planted. Players can also complete an Epic Quest for Gem rewards!

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