Plants vs. Zombies 2 gets more dinosaurs

EA Mobile
The Jurassic Marsh Part One update for Plants vs. Zombies 2 went live today on both Android and iOS.

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From EA Mobile:

Return to a time when giants roamed the Earth! Plants vs. Zombies 2 today released Jurassic Marsh Part One, available now in the Apple App Store and Google Play. This new prehistoric-themed content update contains new plants with some primal abilities including Primal Peashooter, a plant that can stun in an instant, the protective Primal Wall-nut, and the Premium Plant, Grapeshot, a plant that explodes and scatters bouncing projectiles, damaging zombies across the board. Jurassic Marsh Part One would also not be complete without dinosaurs! Fans asked, and Plants vs. Zombies 2 delivered - for the first time in PvZ 2 history, players will get to experience three new dinosaurs including Raptor, a dinosaur that can kick a zombie forward down a lane, and Stegosaurus, a dino with a special tail and the ability to catapult zombies into adjacent lanes.

In addition to the content update, Plants vs. Zombies 2 will release a special 12-day worldwide event, Food Fight, starting tomorrow. Enjoy autumn-themed plant and zombie costumes that will have you gobbling with excitement. Fans will get to enjoy two Special Edition Premium Plants for a limited time, including the return of Sweet Potato, a plant that forces zombies to switch lanes, and Dandelion, which can fire down multiple rows.

Key features in the update:

 · Introducing for the first time in Plants vs. Zombies 2 history - three new dinosaurs including Raptor, Stegosaurus and Pterodactyl.

 · Four new plants including Primal Pea Shooter, Perfume-Shroom, Primal Walnut and the Premium Plant, Grapeshot, a plant that scatters bouncing projectiles, damaging zombies across the board.

 · 7 new fully-themed costumed zombies.

 · 16 levels, including a themed Gargantuar Battle.

Key features in the mega event Food Fight:

 · Two Special Edition Premium Plants including the return of Sweet Potato, a plant that forces zombies to switch lanes, and Dandelion, which can fire down multiple rows.

 · New autumn-themed zombies including Turkey Zombie, Gobbler King Zombie, and Chefster Zombie.

 · A gem sale! Up to 40% off all gem packages.

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