Deep Silver hosting Three Flavors of Zombie panel at Comic-Con

Deep Silver
The Three Flavors of Zombie panel will feature developers from three of Deep Silver's upcoming Dead Island games.

The Mercury
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From Deep Silver:
Escape Dead Island
Escape Dead Island

Dig in to the most delightfully gruesome zombie-filled panel as developers from the teams behind the upcoming MOBA, survival/mystery and action horror titles Dead Island Epidemic, Escape Dead Island and Dead Island 2 explore the expanding Dead Island universe and their respective takes on zombie-fueled entertainment on Friday, July 25th at 6 p.m. at San Diego Comic-Con, Room 25ABC.

Fans are also able to mingle with the development teams just blocks from the San Diego Convention Center, as Deep Silver takes over Whiskey Girl restaurant and bar, located at 702 5th Avenue in San Diego on Friday and Saturday during Comic-Con from 11 a.m. until 2 a.m. Friday and Saturday, July 25-26th. Razer will also be on hand at Whiskey Girl during the games arcade giving away more than $10,000 in Razer gear.

Playable titles from Deep Silver include Metro Redux and Sacred 3, with the first 800 fans to play Metro Redux getting a custom Metro Redux DUALSHOCK4 controller skin by FlamingToast Stickers.

With more than 8 million copies sold, the original Dead Island has become a global zombie phenomenon. Three games are currently in the works from publisher Deep Silver, giving fans a variety of ways to delve into the growing Dead Island universe and experience a plethora of zombie action.

Each title boasts a unique art style, distinctive gameplay and never-ending action:

In the sequel to the original, Dead Island 2, exposes that the virus has spread to the sunny shores of California, where you'll play as one of four incredible characters looking to exploit, conquer and kick ass in the quarantined state. Set in a visually stunning open world, Dead Island 2 gives fans never-ending zombie-slaying action for the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and Windows PC platforms.

Dead Island Epidemic introduces fans to a fast-paced, engaging game of "capture the flag" using a stylized arcade art style that pits player against player in a tropical online battle against opponents and zombies. Currently in closed beta, Dead Island Epidemic is on the PC platform and free-to-play.

Launching in the fall of 2014 for the PlayStation3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and PC, Escape Dead Island takes players back to the island chain of Banoi and puts their sleuthing skills and their psyche to the test, revealing the mysterious origin of the virus.

Panel participants and resident zombie experts include Bernd Diemer, game director at YAGER Development and Sebastian Reichert, lead creative producer at Deep Silver; Robin Flodin, game director at developer Fatshark and Jon Smallwood, creative producer at Deep Silver for Escape Dead Island; and Jan Eric Lauble, senior creative producer at Deep Silver for the Dead Island franchise. Moderating the panel is Resident Internet Cat GIF Expert and Director of North and South American Marketing and PR for Deep Silver, Aubrey Norris.

Games Showcase includes the following games:

Escape Dead Island (Press only)
Platform: PlayStation3 system, Xbox 360, PC
Developer: Fatshark
Age Rating: Expected M
Available: Fall 2014
Escape Dead Island is an adventure game that takes players back to the island chain of Banoi and puts their sleuthing skills and their psyche to the test, revealing the mysterious origin of the virus. With nonstop thrills and a noir art style, Escape Dead Island is just what the doctor ordered.

Metro Redux
Platform: PlayStation4 system, Xbox One, PC
Developer: 4A Games
Age Rating: ESRB: M (17+)
Available: August 26, 2014
Metro Redux is the ultimate double game collection, including the definitive versions of both Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light, each rebuilt in the latest and greatest iteration of the 4A Engine for next-gen consoles and PC. For the first time, console owners can expect silky smooth 60FPS gameplay and state of the art visuals that were once only available on high-end PC hardware.

Sacred 3
Platform: PlayStation3 system, Xbox 360, PC
Developer: Keen Games
Age Rating: ESRB: M (17+)
Available: August 5, 2014
The path to glory is paved with great danger. Sacred 3, the next installment in the Sacred series, is an arcade Hack 'n' Slash game for up to four players, set in the war for Ancaria. Choose your heroes and fight together against the rise of evil. Play fan-favorite character classes such as the Safiri, Seraphim, Ancarian, Khukuri as well as the brand new character, Malakhim. Whilst upgrading your weapons and armor, you will face hoards of Grimmorcs, brute beasts, legions of mercenaries and undead wizards. Develop your character's skills and abilities the way you want and team up together to use powerful cooperative abilities. Drop in, drop out co-op multiplayer is available for both offline (2 players) and online play (4 players). Victory is Ours. Glory is Mine.

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