Fable 2 Game Guide

 * FABLE II Power Gamer Handbook
 * Ghost Tiger DAM 

  SPOILER ALERT: Reading ahead of where you are in the walkthrough will
  certainly spoil your play experience, and is not recommended. The checklists
  will also ruin the surprise of what rewards are given for various
  collections you might pursue while playing. If you want a truly spoiler free
  experience, play through the story with no guide, then play a new character
  using a walkthrough to earn everything you may have missed. Fable II
  supports up to six characters per user profile.

  This guide has a labeling system for jumping quickly within the document.
  First highlight the label of interest (typically by double clicking).
  Then use your viewer's "Find" function (typically CTRL+F) and find next.

 Table of Contents      {DOCTOC1}{DOCTOC2}{DOCTOC3}{DOCTOC4}{DOCTOC5}{DOCTOC6}

(A) Introduction.............................{ITRDTN}
(B) Walkthrough..............................{WLKTHR}
(B.0) Prologue [Childhood]...................{B0CHLD}
(B.0.0) Albion's Most Wanted.................{B00AMW}
(B.0.1) Barnum's Image Capturing Device......{B01ICD}
(B.0.2) The Beetle Hunt......................{B02TBH}
(B.0.3) Tramp's Treasure.....................{B03TMT}
(B.0.3) The Love Letter......................{B03TLL}
(B.1) Adolescence............................{B1ADLS}
(B.1.0) The Birth of a Hero..................{B10BOH}
(B.1.1) The Bandit...........................{B11BND}
(B.1.2) The Journey Begins...................{B12TJB}
(B.1.3) The Sculptor.........................{B13SCL}
(B.1.4) The Ritual / The Hero of Strength....{B14RIT}
(B.1.5) A Bridge Too Far.....................{B15BTF}
(B.1.6) The Temple of Shadows................{B16TOS}
(B.1.7) Sacrificing to the Shadows...........{B17STS}
(B.1.8) Till Death Do Us Part................{B18DUP}
(B.1.9) The Archaeologist....................{B19ARC}
(B.1.10) The Summoners.......................{B110TS}
(B.1.11) Donating to the Light...............{B111DL}
(B.1.12) The Hero of Will....................{B112HW}
(B.1.13) Cold Comfort Farmer.................{B113CC}
(B.1.14) Red Harvest.........................{B114RH}
(B.1.15) The Bargain.........................{B115TB}
(B.1.16) The Crucible........................{B116TC}
(B.1.17) Westcliff Shooting Range............{B117SR}
(B.1.18) Westcliff Development...............{B118WD}
(B.1.19) Defender of the Light...............{B119DL}
(B.1.20) The Oakfield Massacre...............{B120OM}
(B.1.21) The Spire / The Hero of Will........{B121TS}
(B.2) Adulthood..............................{B2ADLT}
(B.2.0) Hobbe Squatters......................{B20HSQ}
(B.2.1) Westcliff Development................{B21WCD}
(B.2.2) The Blind Date.......................{B22TBD}
(B.2.3) The Archaeologist....................{B23ARC}
(B.2.4) The Crucible Champion................{B24TCC}
(B.2.5) The Cullis Gate......................{B25TCG}
(B.2.6) Stranded / The Hero of Skill.........{B26STD}
(B.2.7) Treasure Island of Doom!.............{B27TID}
(B.2.8) T.O.B.Y..............................{B28TBY}
(B.2.9) Rescuing Charlie.....................{B29RCH}
(B.2.10) Love Hurts..........................{B210LH}
(B.2.11) The Cemetery Mansion................{B211CM}
(B.2.12) Evil in Wraithmarsh.................{B212EW}
(B.2.13) Something Rotten....................{B213SR}
(B.3.0) Bloodstone Assault...................{B30BAS}
(B.3.1) The Weapon...........................{B31WEP}
(B.3.2) A Perfect World......................{B32APW}
(B.3.3) Retribution..........................{B33RTB}
(B.4.0) The Archaeologist....................{B40ARC}
(B.4.1) Brightwood Tower.....................{B41BTR}
(B.4.2) Castle Fairfax.......................{B42CLF}
(B.5.0) Knothole Island's Big Freeze.........{B50KHF}
(B.5.1) Knothole Island's Huge Heat..........{B51KHH}
(B.5.2) Knothole Island Drowning.............{B52KHD}
(B.X.0) The Hit..............................{BX0HIT}
(B.X.1) Blackmail!...........................{BX1BLK}
(B.X.2) The Rescue...........................{BX2RES}
(B.X.3) Slave Rescue.........................{BX3SRS}
(B.X.4) Civilian Displacement................{BX4CIV}
(C) Consequences.............................{CNSQNC}
(C.0.0) Albion's Most Wanted.................{C00AMW}
(C.1.13) Cold Comfort Farmer.................{C113CC}
(C.1.14) Red Harvest.........................{C114RH}
(C.1.18) Westcliff Development...............{C118WD}
(C.1.19) Defender of the Light...............{C119DL}
(C.1.20) The Oakfield Massacre...............{C120OM}
(C.3.3) Retribution..........................{C33RTB}
(C.5.2) Knothole Island Drowning.............{C52KHD}
(D) Power Gaming Tips........................{PGTIPS}
(E) Potions of Life Checklist................{POLLST}
(F) Dog Combat Checklist.....................{DGCLST}
(G) Dog Digging Checklist....................{DGDLST}
(H) Dog Tricks Checklist.....................{DGTLST}
(I) Expressions Checklist....................{EXPLST}
(J) Gargoyle Checklist.......................{GGLLST}
(K) Silver Keys Checklist....................{SVKLST}
(L) Silver Chests Checklist..................{SVCLST}
(M) Demon Door Checklist.....................{DMDLST}
(N) Legendary Weapon Checklist...............{LWPLST}
(O) Version History..........................{VSNHST}
(P) Thanks and Contact Info..................{THXCON}
(Q) Authorized Hosts.........................{AUTHHS}
(R) Legal Bit................................{LGLBIT}

(A) Introduction                                                      {ITRDTN}

This guide consists of a walkthrough, play tips, and a set of thorough yet
concise checklists of items that may interest you while you play. This guide
is intended to supplement the game manual and in-game help systems, which I
highly recommend you make use of.

The Power Gamer Walkthrough section is written as concisely and spoiler-free
as possible. The quests are listed in the order that they become available.
I point out collectibles as they become available, and recommend using the
corresponding checklists to track your progress for whatever interests you.

The Power Gaming Tips section is somewhat of an indulgence for me to share my
experiences, having played through four times. If I'm lucky my tips will help
you make more informed decisions and have more fun playing Fable II.

Fable II offers many sub-goals for you to choose from. It is important to note
that missing out on some or even all of these collectibles will not ruin your
play experience at all. For example, while the legendary weapons are cool, and
some may help you along the way, it is in no way necessary to collect even one
of them to have a fun and successful play-through.

The checklists are self-contained, so that you can use the lists to collect
items that interest you and skip those that do not, without missing relevant
information. I will precede each checklist with general notes, including any
relations to Xbox LIVE Achievements. I am not writing an Achievements section,
because the only challenging Achievements are The Completionist and The
Dollcatcher; the former can be earned by using the checklists, and the latter
by trading copies of the character doll you earn at the shooting range online.

A good way to make use of the checklists in this guide would be to select the
list you want to print, and use the "Print Selection" option. In this way, you
could print each checklist separately to use while you play.

* Back to top: {DOCTOC1}
