World of Warcraft Warlock Guide

        ****   *                                            *   ****
        **  * *          WARLOCK GUIDE Version 2.2           * *  **
        *    *                    By Lsnake                   *    *
        **  * *                                              * *  **
        ****   *                                            *   ****

Version History:

2.2 (18/12/06): Corrected Blood Fury, Death Coil and Detect Invisibility and 
                Various talent errors.

2.1 (08/12/06): Corrected some errors.

2.0 (06/12/06): Many big changes, talents, Felguard, skill ratings and more to
                update the guide to the current 2.0 Patch.
                The guide is now likely to contain alot of errors and things 
                that have to be updated as it's hard to go through it all in
                one go, these will be fixed as soon as possible and with the
                help of your feedback.

1.3 (04/12/06): Added to authorized hosts.

1.2 (30/11/06): Corrected Shadow Word Data Error.

1.1 (22/11/06): Corrected some errors, thanks to Sonelias for correcting me.

1.0 (21/11/06): First released version.

This guide is only to be hosted by the websites mentioned in the "Credits,
Copyrights and Last Words" section at the bottom of this guide.

*** Table of Contents                                                       ***
Hint: Use the code in the brackets to quickly navigate in this guide. Copy the
four letter word, hit CTRL+F and CTRL+V and then press Search. You should then
be taken to the part of the guide you wanted.

01: Introduction..........................[INT1]
02: Races.................................[RAC1]
03: Spells................................[SPE1]
   03.1: Direct Damage....................[DAM1]
   03.2: Damage over Time.................[DOT1]
   03.3: Curses...........................[CUR1]
   03.4: Area of Effect...................[AOE1]
   03.5: Support..........................[SUP1]
04: Talents...............................[TAL1]
   04.1: Affliction.......................[AFF1]
   04.2: Demonology.......................[DEM1]
   04.3: Destruction......................[DES1]
   04.4: Popular Builds...................[BUI1]
05: Pets..................................[PET1]
   05.1: Imp..............................[IMP1]
     05.1.1: Imp Spells...................[IMP2]
     05.1.2: Obtaining Imp................[IMP3]
   05.2: Voidwalker.......................[VOI1]
     05.2.1: Voidwalker Spells............[VOI2]
     05.2.2: Obtaining Voidwalker.........[VOI3]
   05.3: Succubus.........................[SUC1]
     05.3.1: Succubus Spells..............[SUC2]
     05.3.2: Obtaining Succubus...........[SUC3]
   05.4: Felhunter........................[FEL1]
     05.4.1: Felhunter Spells.............[FEL2]
     05.4.2: Obtaining Felhunter..........[FEL3]
   05.5: Infernal.........................[INF1]
     05.5.1: Obtaining Infernal...........[INF2]
   05.6: Doomguard........................[DOO1]
     05.6.1: Obtaining Doomguard..........[DOM2]
   06.6: Felguard.........................[FEG1] 
     06.6.1: Felguard Spells..............[FEG2] 
07: Professions...........................[PRO1]
08: Tactics and Gameplay..................[GAM1]
09: Equipment.............................[EQU1]
   09.1: Armor Sets.......................[ARM1]
10: Mounts................................[MOU1]
   10.1: Felsteed.........................[FEL1]
   10.2: Dreadsteed.......................[DRE1]
11: Credits, Copyrights and Last Words....[CRE1]

*** 01: Introduction [INT1]                                                 ***

The Warlock is one of the most varied classes in World of Warcraft. It has
slowly evolved from a weak and difficult class to a very powerful and popular
one, albeit also a misunderstood and often neglected one. 

I have played a Warlock since November 2005, and I still do. My character is
called Pusen, I'm on the Doomhammer EU server and I can be reached there for
questions and feedback on this guide. Criticism is also welcome, but keep it
constructive. Remember, your help makes this guide better.

This guide is private and un-official work, and does in no represent Blizzard,
neither do I have any connection with them. It is still a work in progress and
it is open for revisions and updates as I see fit. More will come, but you just
have to start somewhere and get the feedback coming ;)



