World of Warcraft Rogue Guide

World of Warcraft - Rogue FAQ

by Relle

Table of Contents

1.  Introduction
2.  Updates
3.  Why a Rogue?
4.  Which Race?
5.  What about Weapons?
  5a. Damage vs. DPS
6.  Skills
  6a. Finish Them in Style!
7.  The Art of Combat
8.  Sample Talent Builds
9.  Where to Quest
  9a. Alliance
  9b. Horde
10.  Professions
11.  Lockpicking
12.  Poison
13.  Frequently Asked Questions
14.  Acknowledgements
15.  Copyright Info

 1.  Introduction

Eh...while waiting for auctions to run out and various other inactive activities
in Ironforge, I have thus created this FAQ to help along aspiring rogues in
their journey to make something of themselves.  Let me start off by saying that
I'm far too addicted to World of Warcraft right now, so even though this FAQ is
about said evil MMORPG, updates will likely be sporadic at best.  With that
said, read on, and enjoy.

Two notes: One, a lot of what's written in this guide is my opinion about
rogues.  Bear in mind not all rogues should be the same, and since it's an RPG,
you're certainly free to play yours however you like.  That said, don't bug me
if you disagree with anything that's an opinion.  And secondly...

If there is any information that is fraudulent, incorrect or slightly off, or
if I've forgotten to credit anyone for their work, please send me an e-mail and
I'll make the proper corrections where applicable.

 2.  Updates

1.00 - Just started.  This guide is complete in terms of the content I wanted
to put out when I started, but odds are I'll be adding to it over time.  I'm
hoping to find some ASCII art I can use.

1.02 - Added a section on poisons, fixed up some stuff.  What I'd like to do
is put in PVP strategies to use against each particular class, but I'll need
to get in more duels for that.

1.03 - Some quick updates.  Still working on PVP data.

1.04 - More quick updates.  Added a proper FAQ.  I want to go through the
talents and write up some data on them, but that's for later.

1.06 - Corrections, changes, all manner of things.  Still want to do the
talents, but later.

1.07 - More manner of changes and corrections.

1.08 - Slight correction.  I'm working on Baten Kaitos, so this FAQ will have
to wait for the talent data.

1.10 - Updated some stuff in light of the recent 1.4 patch.

1.12 - Wrote up a Seal Fate build and modified my assassination/subtlety build.

1.15 - Redid the 'where to level' section.