Age of Empires III Walkthrough

6.0  Changelog
1.11 - Added three new sections: Frequently Asked Questions, System 
       Requirements, and Cheats.  Changed layout.  (12/17/05)
1.01 - Corrected several embarrassing spelling errors.  (12/17/05)
1.00 - Finished The Rescue, The Seven Years' War, The Great Lakes and Respect.
       Walkthrough complete.  Some rewriting.  (12/17/05)
0.80 - Finished Defend the Colony and Strange Alliances.  Some rewriting.
0.65 - Wrote walkthrough for Ottoman Fort, Temples of the Aztec, Spanish
       Treasure Fleet and The Fountain of Youth? levels.  Some rewriting.  
       Changed copyright.  (11/19/05)
0.47 - Some rewriting for clarity.  (11/08/05)

End of document.
