There's many varieties of generic agents:
Investigator/Agents -> They'll photograph loot, go home and raise your heat
Thieves/Burglars -> They'll attempt to steal valuable loot back
Infiltrators/Saboteurs -> They'll try to destroy high-heat objects
Soldiers/Veterans -> They'll start shooting, and they have rifles. These
are the biggest threat. Use henchmen with area attacks to disable them
long enough for your other minions to kill or capture them.
For how much XP each is worth when killed, check the Henchmen section.
But then there's 4 SUPER agents, your arch-nemeses. When they first
appear, you can't kill them. You can slap a weaken tag on them and hope
your valets will keep them occupied, or try to capture them and send them
through the mixer.
As you progress through the story on Island 2, you'll get the optional
objectives that will let you get rid of the super-agents permanently. You
can't get rid of John Steele till the very end of the game (during the
countdown), and you must have him imprisoned at the time to do so.
To immediately neutralize a super-agent when they show up (A good idea with
John Steele especially) is to either teleport Jubei on top of them and use
Eviscerate, or use Lord Kane's 'Smooth Operator' on them; it will make them
stand still so nearby minions can beat the pulp out of them after you tag
them for capture. Don't ever tag them for termination, tell a death cell
to kill them, or attempt to torture them on a lethal device.
SMASH - Mariana Mamba ("Charlie's Angels") -- Appears at 130 notoriety
She'll make your agents desert by talking to them. And she'll try to steal
stuff and take pictures. Her elimination mission becomes available when
you get to the 2nd island. Torture her on an Exam table to finish her off.
ANVIL - Jet Chan ( duhh... ) -- Appears at 180 notoriety
This guy runs around blowing up stuff and killing non-social minions. When
his optional mission becomes available, Plot in Central Asia till you get
the mission to kidnap his mentor. Torture him on an interrogation chair,
then capture Jet Chan & torture him with a Dojo.
HAMMER - Katerina Frostonova ("Ice Queen") -- Appears at 240 notoriety
Her special ability lets her go invisible; during this time, she can't be
attacked by minions or the target for any special abilities. She's also
hard to see, and probably doesn't trigger your security system. I'd say
she and Mariana are pretty much of a non-threat. When her mission comes
up, plot in Sibera till you get the mission to steal her teddy bear. It
will go to your training room once stolen (it's a grey version of the guard
punching bag). Torture her on it.
PATRIOT - Dirk Masters ("Rambo") -- Appears at 290 notoriety
This guy attacks like a pitbull on speed, with two machine guns. Valets
will get mowed down, so don't bother trying to weaken him. Teleport Jubei
on top of him, use Eviscerate, then send him through the mixer. Once you
get his mission, plot in Mid-West till you can raid his gym. You'll get
a 'US Agent Biosample' that automatically goes to your barracks. Research
it with the Biotanks, then when Rambo shows up again, capture him and dunk
him in the biotanks too. Tons of fun. =)
SABRE - John Steele ("Bond") -- Appears at 340 notoriety
This guy's very annoying. He'll keep hacking your computers; your base
will go on alert. When it does, all your doors will drop to a '1' security
setting, so tourists will start wandering through your base. He'll also
start fires. Hit P to pause when you hear the alert, and fix at least the
doors at the entrance of your base. Fix them all after he leaves. He'll
shoot at henchmen. You won't get his elimination mission till the very end
of the game; you must have him in a holding cell during the countdown.