Evil Genius FAQ

Control Room:
  This room is your key to ripping off the world & committing acts of infamy.

  You won't see how much money/heat the different world regions are worth, or
  be able to commit any acts of infamy without sufficient control panels 
  staffed.  Since you'll have a lot of your staff tied up here in the 
  beginning, it's a great place to stick your avatar to increase minion's 
  This only has to hold 6 control panels in order to see everything on the 
  world map.  A 3x8 room would be more than adequate in the beginning.  You
  won't have any big items to put in here till island 2; the only reason for
  a bigger room on Island 1 is so you can stick some uber or impressive loot
  in here so your avatar can go hang out somewhere else..  When building your
  first room, remember that panels each suck up 2 units of power.  A full set
  of 6 with a couple memory panels and a door on the room sucks up 15; since 
  you start out with only 20 power, it's quite likely that this room will push
  you very close or over the limit, especially if you have other 
  power-consuming objects, like doors.  The power room doesn't become available
  till you reach 18 units of power consumed, so don't build everything at once.

  Build only as many panels as you need to enable the power room, then build
  that so your base doesn't go dark. 

  Most stuff in here generates little heat, it's good for the middle of your
  base.  Everything does generate SOME though.

  Put a time clock in the room and set it to the 2nd green square, or else
  you'll run into problems on the world map when shifts change.  If you need
  your minions elsewhere (like when test-firing the rocket), you can set it
  to Red so the room won't be staffed.

  Control Panel - This takes 2 minions to run, and sucks up a LOT of power.
  Memory Bank   - This is like a capacitor for the world map; if the panels
   become unstaffed (like for a shift change, base alert, or minion
   transfers), it keeps the world map & acts of infamy running for a short
   time.  The more you have, the longer time you have.

  Control Station - Same as control panel, but for half the size and minions
  Stock Market Watchdog - Decreases time it takes to steal cash by 20%
  Schematic Station - Improves the effectiveness of technicians supposedly
  Comms Array - Reduces the amount agents that visit your island
  Big Screen - Looks cool, replenishes your minions attention stat