Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise - Xbox 360

  • Genre: Adventure   
  • ESRB: E   
  • Publisher: Microsoft   
  • Developer: Rare Ltd.   
  • · Official Site

Family members and friend now can share in the joy of creating a garden by simply plugging in an extra controller. The second player has access to all tools, actions and activities, but he or she also can collect magic by helping. Player two can spend magic by tinkering items, healing a sick pinata or filling a pinata candiosity meter. It's a new way to play. Trouble in Paradise also offers a vast level of customization within your main garden. Now, along with planting grass, trees and flowers, and digging ponds and lakes, players can place sand and snow in their garden to make exotic species of piñata feel more at home. Players also can choose to enhance their garden with themed object packs - make your garden into a space center, a pirate cove or a haunted graveyard. Buy objects to change the weather, or new toys for your piñata to play with. You have total freedom to create any kind of paradise you want!

Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise Articles & Features

3/31/2021: Sixteen games playable through Xbox Backwards Compatibility are now playable via cloud gaming in the Xbox Game Pass app for Android.

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