Skylanders SuperChargers - Wii U

  • Genre: Action/RPG   
  • ESRB: E10+   
  • Publisher: Activision   
  • Developer: Vicarious Visions   
  • · Official Site

In his efforts to take down the Skylanders, Kaos has unleashed his most sinister weapon ever - a massive "Doomstation of Ultimate Doomstruction" capable of eating the sky itself! Fortunately, Master Eon has seen the warning signs and assembled a special team of Skylanders to pilot an unstoppable fleet of land, sea and sky vehicles with the power to travel through the reign of destruction to stop Kaos!


It supercharges the Skylanders franchise. (96%)
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Skylanders SuperChargers Articles & Features

5/24/2016: Skylanders Battlecast is now available for Android and iOS devices.
11/18/2015: Activision will be releasing Missile-Tow Dive-Clops for the holidays.
11/9/2015: Skylanders SuperChargers is now available for iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and Apple TV.
11/6/2015: The creation of Activision Blizzard Studios was announced at BlizzCon today.
9/3/2015: We test drive Skylanders SuperChargers on the land, in the air, and under the water.
9/3/2015: Skylanders SuperChargers will be supported on multiple iOS device platforms.
8/18/2015: Skylanders Battlecast will be available in 2016 for Android and iOS devices.
8/5/2015: Activision's game lineup at gamescom will include Black Ops III, Destiny: The Taken King, Guitar Hero Live, and Skylanders Superchargers.
8/5/2015: Today at gamescom Activision revealed the new online multiplayer modes for Skylanders SuperChargers.
7/7/2015: Activision today revealed its plans for Skylanders SuperChargers at San Diego Comic-Con, including the unveiling of the game's Dark Edition.
6/16/2015: New games in the Call of Duty, Guitar Hero, and Skylanders franchises will all be on display.
6/16/2015: Skylanders SuperChargers on Nintendo systems will support special Donkey Kong and Bowser figures that also double as amiibo figures.
6/3/2015: Skylanders SuperChargers will be available in September for 3DS, PS3, PS4, Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

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