Lost Ark talks astrology
Author | Smilegate RPG |
Date | 3/20/2024 |
In Short | In honor of International Astrology Day, the team behind Lost Ark discussed the astral-inpsired elements in the game. |
How does Lost Ark pay homage to the stars and sky above? What about the game’s design and lore shows an affinity with space and astrology? Lost Ark has a lot of touch points with the stars, sky, and all things celestial woven throughout the game. Elgacia, one of the key continents in Arkesia, is located in the skies and is home to the Lazenith, a heavenly winged race of people. The Omnium Star fragments make up a host of constellations. The lore of Lost Ark itself has much to do with astrology as well. In the beginning, the world was nothing but chaos. The god Regulus created the Omnium with his powers of order, and Omnium is the world/space of order with stars. It consists of the sun that was created by Regulus, which will never lose its light. Also, Arkesia (where the game’s players live) is the star of light and life and was created within this realm of space. Of course, there is a counter to Omnium. There is a realm of chaos that exists as the opposite of the world created by Regulus. It was ruled by the god of Chaos, Zosma, but now is being ruled by Kazeros – the leader of Legion Commanders and demons. Petrania, the star of darkness and chaos, exists in this realm. Kazeroth also tried to copy the sun created by Regulus, but failed in his attempt. The result was the Red Moon, a failure filled with darkness. What is the story behind the 10 Omnium Stars? The 10 Omnium Stars are also known as Divine Blessings, and they are traces that have been left behind by previous Guardians that passed during the Chain War. These stars are still able to glow due to being imbued by the light of Vairgrys, who is the Leader of the Guardians of Light. If players bring these Omnium Stars to Albion (Vairgrys’ messenger and the protector of Punika), Albion sends them into the sky, making them stars. This is done to return the Guardians to their first form, which is light. This concept and lore are explained to players by Nineveh during the Punika quest cutscene “Whispering Star”. The Omnium Stars are highly sought after as the rewards that come from gaining them can be important to character progression, what are some of the best ways for players to find them? Omnium Stars are known as the gods’ blessings in Arkesia, and are traded among the ones who know their worth. These stars aren’t necessarily challenging to collect, but they do take some time to earn. Players will have to quest, complete daily tasks, defeat bosses, and even build Rapport with Nia in order to collect the stars. While each path to earning them is slightly different, consistency is key and players should expect that it will take some time and repetition of defeating the necessary bosses before they can earn their stars. How can players best use the rewards gained from collecting the Omnium Stars? The Omnium Stars will grant players valuable rewards such as Stat Increase Potions, Greater Skill Point Potion, and Runes that can all be used to increase your character’s power. There is also a reward for collecting all 10 stars – the space-themed Omnium Starlight wallpaper. For players who love astrology and space, what other Easter eggs or lore can they discover in Lost Ark? Some of the names of gods and goddesses in the game are derived from actual real-world constellations. Some examples include the god of Order, Regulus, who is named after the brightest star in the zodiacal constellation Leo. The god of Honor, Procyon, is named after the brightest star in the constellation Canis Minor. The goddess of Wisdom, Sceptrum (whose name in Korea is Crater), is named directly from the Crater Constellation. Other names of gods in the game, and their real-world astrological inspirations are: • God of Fire, Antares: Named after the brightest star in constellation of Scorpius.
Aside from these names of gods, there are other characters and locations that are related to astrology in the game. There’s an NPC named Kinsera who is an astrologer of Feiton. She predicts the future with stars, and players can ask her to read their fortune. Players will need patience to talk to her, as there is a five-day quest related to Kinsera. There’s also Luterra’s Nineveh Observatory. Luterra is a nation of knights, and has a group of astrologers that observe Omnium, the great space. Astrologers strive to understand connections between the order of the stars and their history. Elgacia, the floating land of the Lazeniths, also has an observatory that is used for similar purposes. And regarding Luterra, the land is connected with a famous advisor named Nahun. Nahun aided Sidereal Luterra’s victory in the Chain War, and then left the astrological observatory with documents recording the order and locations of the constellations. Last but not least, there’s Astella Island, a beautiful island where players can witness shooting stars. Players can earn the title “Stellar” after playing ‘Song of Starlight’ 150 times. Do you have any plans for further opportunities surrounding astrology and the stars? The theme of Stars and space will continue to exist within the world of Arkesia through Lost Ark stories such as ‘Red Moon & Rifts’, and ‘Petrania (star of darkness and chaos) vs. Arkesia (star of light and life)’ | |
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Transmitted: 2/12/2025 4:12:53 PM